Saturday, December 24, 2011

Making secure your IPHONE - Enable SIM PIN Protection

By turning this feature on, your iPhone will require you to type in a four-digit passcode whenever you turn on the phone to unlock the SIM. This will prevent someone from making calls with your SIM in your iPhone, or removing your SIM and using it in another phone.
1. Tap your iPhone's Settings app
2. Tap on Phone
3. Select SIM PIN
4. Tap Change PIN
5. Enter the Current Password (for AT&T, the default is 1111. For other carriers check here )
6. Enter the New Password, a 4-digit passcode that you can remember; re-enter it to confirm. 

The next time you turn on your iPhone you will be asked to unlock your SIM. If you forget your PIN, you will need to contact your carrier to unlock the SIM.

Keep your iPhone Secure

While Apple is doing its part of the job and promptly fixing major security flaws that are being reported, its important that we do ours to ensure that our iPhone is secure to reduce the risk of having our Web mail account hacked; or our online identity stolen; or losing valuable personal information.
Here are a few security tips that I would strongly recommend that you should follow to keep your iPhone secure.
Enable Passcode Lock:

Fast and safe browsing on the iPhone and iPod touch with Google's Public DNS

You may have read my previous post Google's Public DNS for Internet Fast, Stableand more free and have to replace your internet DNS with DNS Google. Public use ofthis control can be applied also in your iPhone and iPod touch.

How to change the default DNS settings or the public DNS provider Google oniPhone and iPod touch is: go to the Settings menu and then tap the Wi-Fi> tap the blue arrow wifi network you're using and then in the DNS instead of DHCP columnvalue to or which is its DNS Google, select one of them.

With Google's DNS is your internet performance will be safer, faster and stable with no internet access restriction. Load on the ISP's server / provider will also decrease.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Worst Password in 2011

     Like a passport, we need a password to get into an online service whether it be social media, email or banking services. Using a strong password and unpredictable is a necessary condition that must-have if you want the data safe while surfing in cyberspace.
    But unfortunately, Internet users seem to never learn from burglary cases passwords which are prevalent on the internet lately. They (the Internet user-red) still use easily guessed passwords.
    Splash Data, developer of security software, try to generate a list of millions of passwords being stolen and posted online by hackers. The result is not surprising, the most commonly used passwords and also the worst include "password", "123456" and "qwerty".

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Firewall, important thing that you have to know 
if you want safe even surfing in the Internet.

A firewall is a system or group of systems running the access control security between a secure internal network and an untrusted network such as internet.Firewall designed to permit the trusted data or data via a trusted, easy to refuse service attack, preventing internal network from outside attacks that couldpenetrate the firewall every time.

Generally also used to control access to anyone who has access to a private network from outside parties. Today, the term firewall became prevalent that the term refers to systems that manage communication between two different networks.Given today many companies that have access to the Internet and also of course the network incorporated in it, then the protection of digital capital of the company from attacks by hackers (hackers, pemata-eye, or other data thieves) becomes mandatory.